
Jeff, I think you've presented a very balanced view about AI, given what we know now. I hope that this becomes a tool that allows creators like you to create more fluidly, to let your ideas flow more easily. If that's the outcome, we'll all be richer for the process. But, like you and the sci-fi world, I worry that it could take us down a dark rabbit hole that could trample our real human creative efforts. I wonder what will happen to all the truck drivers that will be displaced by advanced cruise control technology. There's a great benefit for all, but an awkward transition will have to occur for many. Will Chat GPT have a similar effect? Perhaps, but meanwhile, I'll continue to follow your thoughts about it. Thanks.

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Thanks for your comments. I have fears, too, and I think we're in for a rough transition no matter what. I think governments and regulators are responding more quickly than they have in the past to technological advances like internet and social media, but I'm afraid they will be woefully unable to keep up with the pace of change. I think we'll need something akin to UBI to weather this storm. It may take a lot of strife to summon the necessary political will.

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please tell me more about UBI

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UBI = Universal Basic Income.

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