Love it. Values work is so important. My time management and goal setting are a constant dance. In passed years, I've gone too overboard and ground myself down to a pulp while failing to meet my unrealistic goals. Then I drift too far in the other direction. Lately I've been trying to maximize my "at work" time to focus on high impact/reward day job tasks, and use downtime to focus on creative and personal pursuits. "at home" I try to be present with the family, or focused on family/household tasks when needed. Sometimes I let myself create, do schoolwork, or do knowledge seeking activities in the evenings, but family and maintaining a consistent bedtime are always a priority.

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Sounds like you’re rocking work/life balance!

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Oh, I love this. I've had Deep Work on my shelf for years, but I haven't read it yet. I need to pick it up - I have a feeling it will really speak to me.

Thanks for sharing this journey!

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Oh, man. Deep Work was huge. Wonderful, but confronting. It called me out on some big choices I’d deep down known I needed to make but had been putting off. Thanks for reading!

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I feel like I've been spinning my wheels creatively. And after this episode and the previous one about your process I wonder if I'm over thinking my creative journey. Looking ahead trepidatiously at the future when I should be enjoying the path I'm walking on.

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Man, if you can do a little bit each day, you’ll feel like a creative person and also be a creative person. And if you can pick a single project and work on that a little every day, then you’ll have proof.

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That's part of my problem. I have 2 or 3 projects and I'll get an idea for 1 one day and another idea for a different one another day.

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Some people can juggle multiple projects. But, if you find you're not making the progress you want in any of them...consider picking one and working on it exclusively. Sometimes cultivating multiple ideas is just a very advanced form of procrastination.

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Great advice. Thank you.

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Let me know how that works for you.

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